It is easy to overlook the part Paw dog grooming, because most dogs are not so happy to cooperate with the process. But believe me, with gentleness and subtlety, they actually come to welcome your head-to-paw care attention.
If only we could make our dogs understand the vulnerability of their bare feet every time they go outside. For starters, there is time, which could be anything from rain, snow, ice and blazing hot sidewalks. Then there's the terrain - cement gravel, street salt, hot sand, or hiking trails with steep rocks, debris and other unknown dangers.
Dog paw care is a necessity because it can be a minefield to navigate a virtual dog on a walk and a lot of things that his feet have to deal with during his life. Not only that, even the physical activities he loves can cause problems and contribute to the leg injury if your dog is too zealous about them.
No doubt that your dog likes to play games and go jogging with you, but make sure it is not too stressed out when to start a new and vigorous activity. Allow him time to adjust to the extra effort, as you would yourself. Maybe you can recall a time when you yourself more pressure on a hike or a run and ended up with sore feet or blisters. I remember this ride on my first try of the Grand Canyon - of course, I blame it on the boots!
So what can you do to help a doggie out?
Perhaps Rover would appreciate a little tender loving paw care. How about it? Here are some tips to get you started:
Dog Paw Care - Inspections
Make time for regular paw examinations, especially after walks, to look for problems that are not easily seen and may go unnoticed. Depending on the type of terrain your walks cover, your dog's paws could pick up objects such as burrs, gravel or even sustain a cut by stepping on some broken glass. Finding and gently removing debris will be save your dog from a lot of discomfort and possible infection.
If you often walk your dog on rough surfaces, his foot pads are definitely going to subject to more abrasion which could cause dryness, cracking or tearing. Ouch! So be sure to check for these conditions also.
Try applying some paw balm to your dog's pads if they look dry or any cracks are appearing. Dogs sweat through their feet and this does add some moisture, but weather conditions and friction can very often cause dryness. Paw balm will protect, heal and keep your dog's paws more comfortable.
Dog Paw Care -Itching Solutions
Another common paw problem is itchiness, which many times leads dogs to licking or chewing their paws. The irritation could be the result of contact with cleaning products used around the house, gardening products used outside, or some other allergic reaction. Aside from allergies, twisted or long toenails are sometimes to blame - more on nails further along.
Long hair between the toes can also trigger your dog to chew his paws, because it can harbor mats and irritating debris, dirt and even parasites. Keeping the hair on the paws and foot bed trimmed as short as possible is not only part of good grooming, but is important because continued licking will likely cause inflammatory conditions.
If dog paw care remedies fail to stop your dog's chewing, a visit to the vet would be a good idea to find out if something else might be going on, perhaps related to diet.
Dog Paw Care - Don't Forget The Pawdicure
No paw inspection is complete without checking the length and condition of your dog's nails looking for any damage or breakages.
Overly long nails can make it seriously painful for your dog to walk and left untreated, could result in abnormal growth and long term damage. Not only that, long nails make your dog less stable on slippery surfaces and subject to a fall.
Another hazard of long nails is that they are more apt to get caught on objects while out playing or walking, with the potential for an extreme injury.
Long nails are easily remedied by giving your dog a pawdicure...err that is, clip his nails! If you don't know how to do this, take Rover to the vet and have him teach you the safe way to handle nail clipping.
Some people are a little squeamish about nail clipping and prefer to use a gentle nail grinder, which is a lot easier method and may encourage you to handle this vital part of your dog's care regularly. Whatever the case, the main thing is to get it done by someone!
Dog Paw Care - Injuries And Other Hazards
When you discover paw injuries, grab what you need to clean and treat them from your doggie first aid kit. Then apply a protective cover to prevent re-injury and to assist in the healing process. It is important to remember that cuts and skin irritations can lead to infections in the sweat glands if left untreated.
Winter, in cold climates, brings with it other challenges to your dog's paws, one of them being rock salt. To prevent soreness and chapping and the possibility of your dog licking off the salt, be sure to rinse off your dog's paws after walking in these conditions.
Caution is also needed during summertime when pavements may be very hot. The noon day sun can be especially punishing, so plan to take your dog out at a cooler time of day, or if your dog will put up with dog booties, that's another option.
If only we could make our dogs understand the vulnerability of their bare feet every time they go outside. For starters, there is time, which could be anything from rain, snow, ice and blazing hot sidewalks. Then there's the terrain - cement gravel, street salt, hot sand, or hiking trails with steep rocks, debris and other unknown dangers.
Dog paw care is a necessity because it can be a minefield to navigate a virtual dog on a walk and a lot of things that his feet have to deal with during his life. Not only that, even the physical activities he loves can cause problems and contribute to the leg injury if your dog is too zealous about them.
No doubt that your dog likes to play games and go jogging with you, but make sure it is not too stressed out when to start a new and vigorous activity. Allow him time to adjust to the extra effort, as you would yourself. Maybe you can recall a time when you yourself more pressure on a hike or a run and ended up with sore feet or blisters. I remember this ride on my first try of the Grand Canyon - of course, I blame it on the boots!
So what can you do to help a doggie out?
Perhaps Rover would appreciate a little tender loving paw care. How about it? Here are some tips to get you started:
Dog Paw Care - Inspections
Make time for regular paw examinations, especially after walks, to look for problems that are not easily seen and may go unnoticed. Depending on the type of terrain your walks cover, your dog's paws could pick up objects such as burrs, gravel or even sustain a cut by stepping on some broken glass. Finding and gently removing debris will be save your dog from a lot of discomfort and possible infection.
If you often walk your dog on rough surfaces, his foot pads are definitely going to subject to more abrasion which could cause dryness, cracking or tearing. Ouch! So be sure to check for these conditions also.
Try applying some paw balm to your dog's pads if they look dry or any cracks are appearing. Dogs sweat through their feet and this does add some moisture, but weather conditions and friction can very often cause dryness. Paw balm will protect, heal and keep your dog's paws more comfortable.
Dog Paw Care -Itching Solutions
Another common paw problem is itchiness, which many times leads dogs to licking or chewing their paws. The irritation could be the result of contact with cleaning products used around the house, gardening products used outside, or some other allergic reaction. Aside from allergies, twisted or long toenails are sometimes to blame - more on nails further along.
Long hair between the toes can also trigger your dog to chew his paws, because it can harbor mats and irritating debris, dirt and even parasites. Keeping the hair on the paws and foot bed trimmed as short as possible is not only part of good grooming, but is important because continued licking will likely cause inflammatory conditions.
If dog paw care remedies fail to stop your dog's chewing, a visit to the vet would be a good idea to find out if something else might be going on, perhaps related to diet.
Dog Paw Care - Don't Forget The Pawdicure
No paw inspection is complete without checking the length and condition of your dog's nails looking for any damage or breakages.
Overly long nails can make it seriously painful for your dog to walk and left untreated, could result in abnormal growth and long term damage. Not only that, long nails make your dog less stable on slippery surfaces and subject to a fall.
Another hazard of long nails is that they are more apt to get caught on objects while out playing or walking, with the potential for an extreme injury.
Long nails are easily remedied by giving your dog a pawdicure...err that is, clip his nails! If you don't know how to do this, take Rover to the vet and have him teach you the safe way to handle nail clipping.
Some people are a little squeamish about nail clipping and prefer to use a gentle nail grinder, which is a lot easier method and may encourage you to handle this vital part of your dog's care regularly. Whatever the case, the main thing is to get it done by someone!
Dog Paw Care - Injuries And Other Hazards
When you discover paw injuries, grab what you need to clean and treat them from your doggie first aid kit. Then apply a protective cover to prevent re-injury and to assist in the healing process. It is important to remember that cuts and skin irritations can lead to infections in the sweat glands if left untreated.
Winter, in cold climates, brings with it other challenges to your dog's paws, one of them being rock salt. To prevent soreness and chapping and the possibility of your dog licking off the salt, be sure to rinse off your dog's paws after walking in these conditions.
Caution is also needed during summertime when pavements may be very hot. The noon day sun can be especially punishing, so plan to take your dog out at a cooler time of day, or if your dog will put up with dog booties, that's another option.
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