Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why Dog Suffers from Excess Thrust?

thirsty dog Why Dog Suffers from Excess Thrust?
Excess thirst is a frequent situation that occurs in your dog. It may befall thirsty for any number of natural reasons. On a hot day dog puff to keep itself cool. Dog makes him/her get rid of the humidity in his/her lungs through evaporation. It loses water from their lungs in the form of vapor. This fluid should restore, so it is not shocking that thirst increases on a hot day. So obviously, don’t get worried if your dog is thirstier than normal on a hot day.

Like a dog needs, man recovering from losing water in her body and even more for a dog with thick fur great. For large dog's thick fur, dogs can become dehydrated more quickly, so you can imagine. But there are other reasons that may be responsible for the excessive force of dogs.

  1. Organ dysfunction such as uterine infection, diabetes mellitus. 
  2. You can see vomiting or diarrhea with excessive thirst. 
  3. Pregnant or feeding puppies obviously need more water than normal. 
  4. In case of bleeding, burns, tumors, and uterine infection in dogs may need the excess water. 
  5. Further, high-rise in atmospheric temperature is a good reason to suffer from excessive force. 
Anyway, it is essential that you let your dog drink as much water as he wants. Not providing pure drinking water to a dog could cause serious health problems. Some symptoms of excess thirst:

  1. The dog will drink in unusual places, in previous, where it dipped. 
  2. Drinking takes time. 
  3. frequent urination. 
  4. Like to stay in water or damp places.

Dog Skin Allergies causes and treatement

dog skin allergies  can be difficult because it is not always obvious what is happening and it may take a little detective work to find the cause of the allergic response. There are different types of dog allergies and many have their origins in food, insects, or present something in the environment such as plants, pollen, insecticides, and mussels to name a few.

Dog Skin Problem

Some allergies to animals can burst overnight without any visible reason at all and can be most frustrating. So the first thing the owner should do is try to isolate the type of allergy affects their pet.This is very important so that proper treatment can be undertaken without delay.
You go about it by observing the symptoms of your dog and look for the associated disease or allergy. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you relieve your dog itching, discomfort, pain, chewing and scratching.
For skin problems such as dogs may be an allergic reaction to certain toiletries like shampoo or spray a coat that you could have used recently. If you find this is the case, an easy solution, you may stop using the product and the discomfort of your dog will gradually fade. Then try a natural organic dog shampoo that is recommended for allergy-prone animals.
Some of the most popular SheaPet's lawyer, Buddy Wash and Spot Organics. At the same time, if your dog is flea allergy, a simple fleabite can cause immense irritation and anxiety. flea infestations can and should be treated promptly as they can cause more serious problems. Fortunately there are ways to deal with fleas on dogs naturally without using harsh chemicals.
Other causes of skin allergies dog There are certain medical conditions such as thyroid disease or a fungal infection in which the dog has a skin irritation and hair loss.Sometimes people misunderstand this for allergies dog skin.
Experts believe that if the owner pays for and provides nutritious and balanced diet and his dog washes and grooms regularly, there will be little problem of skin allergy with him. Wash and dry the dog before clipping and apply aloe vera gel on the bald areas to avoid infection.
If, despite your best grooming and nutrition, you still find some unusual rashes or other skin allergies dog, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for expert advice and testing so that the cause is identified and appropriate treatment is given.
The most common skin allergies in dogs are bacterial skin infections or pyoderma, which are not infectious to humans. These include fungal infections of the skin, ringworm and scabies are caused by an allergic reaction to a certain article, insect, parasitic skin disease such as allergies to fleas and skin disease that is hormonal the most difficult to diagnose.
It is normally not easy to know with certainty whether or not a dog allergies dog skin, but by carefully observing your pet on a daily basis, you will have the best chance to discover what is the root of his problem.
The main reason behind this is that while humans react to their allergies through the nose or sneezing, the response of a dog to an allergen is usually expressed through their skin. They are extremely frustrating and can be difficult to identify without careful observation and controlled. If you see your dog scratching, biting, chewing his feet, rubbing his face in the carpet or lick incessantly, it's a sure sign that your dog is allergic to something that is inhalation, direct contact with, or is consumed by it.
If this happens most of the time or throughout the year, consult a veterinarian for that. But if it was instantly, try to observe what has been used recently that may have caused the allergic reaction in your dog. As soon as you stop using this thing, your dog will return to normal once he is no longer in his system. 

Food Related Dog Skin Allergies

When it comes to dog food allergies, these are more time-consuming and difficult to pin down. Any ingredient can be the culprit that is causing your dog's irritation and restlessness and it may take a while to isolate the offending ingredient. 

Dogs that are fed commercial dog food products are the most at risk to develop allergic responses because many of these foods contain various chemical additives and preservatives. Not only do these chemicals put a huge strain on the kidneys and liver as they work to rid the body of them, but they also have a weakening affect on the immune system and its ability to produce antibodies. The result is some form of sickness in these pets. If you suspect a food allergy, you may have to eliminate your dog's present food and start your dog on a new regimen that gradually introduces foods into the diet one at a time. This will give you a means of identifying the protein or grain that is causing the problem. 

Owners who prepare home made dog food certainly have the advantage of knowing exactly what goes into their dog's bowl, making it simpler to identify the allergen. 

So the main thing when you are dealing with dog skin allergies is to find out the cause and then if you can get it cleared up with a home remedy, great! If not, consult a vet as soon as you can and get it treated. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dog Dental Products - When To Start?

The ideal time to start getting your dog used to the brush, is whenhe is very young. Regular use 
Dog Dental Careof dental products for dogs will helpprevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria that leads to gum disease.

It has been reported that dental disease is at the top of the list ofhealth problems diagnosed by veterinarians. Not only that, butmany other serious disorders are canine oral infections startedby traveling through blood and other body parts. So do not delay.

Keep your dog's teeth in good shape can really help your bestfriend live a healthier life and more.

  • Start out with a complete dog dental exam to check for any unseen problems.

  • Brush your dog's teeth at least three times a week, daily if possible.

  • Be alert to changes in condition – bleeding gums, discoloration, chronic bad dog breath or less interest in eating. If any, see Vet right away.

  • Keep your pet on a healthy, natural diet. (See premium dog food page for advice).

  • Encourage chewing of chew toys and bones specifically designed for dog dental care - under supervision of course.

  • Schedule regular pet health and dental check-ups.

  • Dog Paw Care

    dog paw care, dog paws ready tlc! It is easy to overlook the part Paw dog grooming, because most dogs are not so happy to cooperate with the process. But believe me, with gentleness and subtlety, they actually come to welcome your head-to-paw care attention. 

    If only we could make our dogs understand the vulnerability of their bare feet every time they go outside. For starters, there is time, which could be anything from rain, snow, ice and blazing hot sidewalks. Then there's the terrain - cement gravel, street salt, hot sand, or hiking trails with steep rocks, debris and other unknown dangers. 

    Dog paw care is a necessity because it can be a minefield to navigate a virtual dog on a walk and a lot of things that his feet have to deal with during his life. Not only that, even the physical activities he loves can cause problems and contribute to the leg injury if your dog is too zealous about them. 

    No doubt that your dog likes to play games and go jogging with you, but make sure it is not too stressed out when to start a new and vigorous activity. Allow him time to adjust to the extra effort, as you would yourself. Maybe you can recall a time when you yourself more pressure on a hike or a run and ended up with sore feet or blisters. I remember this ride on my first try of the Grand Canyon - of course, I blame it on the boots!
    So what can you do to help a doggie out?

    Perhaps Rover would appreciate a little tender loving paw care. How about it? Here are some tips to get you started: 

    Dog Paw Care - Inspections

    Make time for regular paw examinations, especially after walks, to look for problems that are not easily seen and may go unnoticed. Depending on the type of terrain your walks cover, your dog's paws could pick up objects such as burrs, gravel or even sustain a cut by stepping on some broken glass. Finding and gently removing debris will be save your dog from a lot of discomfort and possible infection. 

    If you often walk your dog on rough surfaces, his foot pads are definitely going to subject to more abrasion which could cause dryness, cracking or tearing. Ouch! So be sure to check for these conditions also. 

    Try applying some paw balm to your dog's pads if they look dry or any cracks are appearing. Dogs sweat through their feet and this does add some moisture, but weather conditions and friction can very often cause dryness. Paw balm will protect, heal and keep your dog's paws more comfortable. 

    Dog Paw Care -Itching Solutions

    Another common paw problem is itchiness, which many times leads dogs to licking or chewing their paws. The irritation could be the result of contact with cleaning products used around the house, gardening products used outside, or some other allergic reaction. Aside from allergies, twisted or long toenails are sometimes to blame - more on nails further along. 

    Long hair between the toes can also trigger your dog to chew his paws, because it can harbor mats and irritating debris, dirt and even parasites. Keeping the hair on the paws and foot bed trimmed as short as possible is not only part of good grooming, but is important because continued licking will likely cause inflammatory conditions. 

    If dog paw care remedies fail to stop your dog's chewing, a visit to the vet would be a good idea to find out if something else might be going on, perhaps related to diet.

    Dog Paw Care - Don't Forget The Pawdicure

    No paw inspection is complete without checking the length and condition of your dog's nails looking for any damage or breakages.

    Overly long nails can make it seriously painful for your dog to walk and left untreated, could result in abnormal growth and long term damage. Not only that, long nails make your dog less stable on slippery surfaces and subject to a fall.

    Another hazard of long nails is that they are more apt to get caught on objects while out playing or walking, with the potential for an extreme injury.

    Long nails are easily remedied by giving your dog a pawdicure...err that is, clip his nails! If you don't know how to do this, take Rover to the vet and have him teach you the safe way to handle nail clipping.

    Some people are a little squeamish about nail clipping and prefer to use a  gentle nail grinder, which is a lot easier method and may encourage you to handle this vital part of your dog's care regularly. Whatever the case, the main thing is to get it done by someone!

    Dog Paw Care - Injuries And Other Hazards

    When you discover paw injuries, grab what you need to clean and treat them from your doggie first aid kit. Then apply a protective cover to prevent re-injury and to assist in the healing process. It is important to remember that cuts and skin irritations can lead to infections in the sweat glands if left untreated. 

    Winter, in cold climates, brings with it other challenges to your dog's paws, one of them being rock salt. To prevent soreness and chapping and the possibility of your dog licking off the salt, be sure to rinse off your dog's paws after walking in these conditions. 

    Caution is also needed during summertime when pavements may be very hot. The noon day sun can be especially punishing, so plan to take your dog out at a cooler time of day, or if your dog will put up with dog booties, that's another option.

    How to Take Care of an Aging Dog

    Who has a puppy is the happiest person in the world. It is small, you laugh at what he does, you give it much attention, but what happens when he is old? What happens when the puppy gets a little aggressive when he wants to protect you, but can not because it is a bit old? When you want to go with him to do some jogging and it can not. In this situation, many families are abandoning their dogs because they think he is good for their families, simply because it is a bit old. Dogs are as old as the old man, they need a special diet, diet, lots of care. We'll give you some tips to help you take care of your adult dog.
    Veterinarians policy support scientists who said that dogs, 1 year of a population of seven dogs. So if your dog has two years of man, a 14 dog years. When a dog gets old, visits to the vet should be often, for his own health. When a dog is old, the number of calories is lower, because he did not need the number, a young dog who needs it does not really work, he wants to sleep and eat,much as he can. His diet is balanced, you can give him special food, you can find in pet stores, or if you prefer to feed him is in the house, you should avoid fats and carbohydrates, as they can become a serious problem, the dog is going to win many books.
    After feeding, the second problem, which appears, is the temperature. Now, it must be protected, it is more sensitive, so you must make sure the place where he sleeps, his body loses temperature. You must offer him a warm place, somewhere in the house. You must keep away from cold weather, you should stay away from the weather when it rains or is wet, you dry it quickly, before it gets cold, it will a big problem. It is very difficult to treat a cold dog or cat, especially when the dog is so young. Typically, a dog when he is old 7-8 years of man, which means 49-56 years of dog. You should also know that large dogs age faster than small dogs.
    When you go to the vet, you should pay attention to the analysis.The veterinarian will make a urine test, ECG analysis and examine his heart. It will also have a blood test, and it will deal with strange marks on his body, he can check his fur and his eyes. Veterinary advice if something strange, it will give you some advice, he will explain what is better to do. Normally, when ill, the costs will increase considerably, but if you love your pet, it will not be a problem.
    Remember to go with your pet at least once a year to the vet or if you notice something strange, go as soon as you can, because it is better to go when it's just a little sick.

    Allergy in dogs reasons and treatement

    Allergy is a disease in which the immune system reacts abnormally to every day substances such as pollens, animal dander, mold spores, mites, certain foods and chemicals. All of these allergic reactions are unpleasant, some are serious, and a few can be fatal. The offensive substances causing allergies are known as allergens. An allergic reaction may be caused by inhaling or ingesting the allergen or may be the result of direct contact with the allergen.

    What are the signs of allergy? 

    The most common signs are scratching, face rubbing and biting and chewing at the skin. Usual locations for signs of allergy are the flank, feet, face, particularly around the eyes, mouth and ears, as well as areas around the base of the tail. In dogs, allergies are often the underlying cause of persistent skin disease. However not all scratching is due to an allergy. Conditions such as thyroid disease, fleas and certain infections, such as ringworm, can cause similar

    How do dogs get allergies?

    They are generally inherited. The typical allergic dog starts with a short period of biting and chewing the first year. This may be mild and hardly noticeable. With repeated exposures to the offending allergens, the dog gradually experiences prolonged periods of discomfort and more severe signs. Allergies occur whenever the offending allergens are present. The more common allergens such as house dust mites or mold spores will produce signs of allergy year round, while allergies from plants that pollinate during warm months only happen at that time.

    Food allergy can happen by itself or it may be a component of an overall allergy problem. Because of the complexity of allergy diagnosis, the combination of patient history, physical examination and allergy signs in the pet are all important in making an accurate diagnosis.

    Can allergies be prevented?

    Since allergies are inherited, there is no absolute way to prevent them. However allergies can be controlled.. The best control is achieved through avoidance of the offending allergens, so if, for example, your pet is allergic to fleas, it is better to prevent flea infestation. But allergens like dusts and mites are virtually impossible to avoid resulting in the need for alternative allergy treatments. How do I know if my dog has allergies? If your dog is persistently chewing its feet or scratching at its face, allergy may be a possible cause. Unfortunately, there are no specific signs for allergy so you will need to rely on your pet's vet to make that determination.

    Allergy diagnosis requires eliminating other causes for your dog's clinical signs. This involves taking a detailed history of your dog's signs, a complete physical examination and some preliminary laboratory tests. If it is found that an allergy is the likely cause, your vet may recommend allergy testing to confirm the diagnosis.

    How are allergies treated?

    There are a number of different ways or combinations of ways to treat allergies. If it is mild, control may be achieved through avoiding contact with the offending allergens and medications to control the clinical signs. In pets with more severe allergies, or in pets where allergies occur year round, specific allergy treatments such as immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be needed. This is often recommended because prolonged use of certain medications, especially steroids, reduces itching, but produces serious side-effects which may decrease the quality and length of your pet's life. The vet may, therefore, discuss various alternative treatments with you based on your needs and the needs of your pet.

    How successful is treatment? 

    The success depends on several factors including the overall health of your dog, the severity of the allergies,
    and a commitment to therapy. In general, the steps to successful allergy treatment involve the following:
    1. Trying to avoid or reduce the allergens in the environment.
    2. Giving recommended medications to control clinical signs, and
    3. Identifying the specific allergens causing clinical signs in your pet, followed by allergy immunotherapy.This combination will result in successful allergy treatment for most pets.

    Allergies to dogs.

    Sneezes, rashes or asthmatic reactions can be triggered by any breed of dog. Dandruff from the top skin and certain proteins in saliva and urine cause allergic problems in humans. Most research on allergies caused by pets has centred on those created by cats. This is not surprising because they are twice as likely to make their owners sneeze as dogs. For example it has been discovered that cats with long hair tend to shed less allergen and so their owners have fewer reactions. Cats with short hair give off more allergen.

    Sufferers should keep their dogs outdoors at night. Certainly dogs and cats that live indoors should not be allowed on beds or even in the allergic person's bedroom. However research has shown that if a cat or dog is washed once a week the airborne allergens are cut drastically.

    Dandruff collects on the carpets and in upholstered furniture so for those suffering allergies it is better to be without carpets and have wooden furniture or leather. If it is impossible to remove carpets then these should be steamed cleaned every three months to remove allergens. It is also advisable to wash walls and floors. Animal allergens are very small and very sticky and once they are secreted they dry on the animal's fur. There they stick until becoming airborne during petting and grooming. Then, because they are so small, they can stay airborne for a long time and, because they are sticky, they adhere to walls, clothing, and heating and cooling ducts. Some years ago I gave up smoking and noticed that I was coughing and choking when handling dogs. After a few tests I was told: "Mr. Dogman you are an asthmatic and allergic to dogs." Sadly I now have to take all kind of things to help control my allergic symptoms from medication to inhalers and I wash my hands more than a surgeon, change my clothes several times a day and wash my dogs every week. But with all my allergies I could not live without dogs because I know that dogs enhance our quality of life and are worth having around. So, if you are allergic to dogs, don't give up on them, they are still worth having around.
    Article By David The Dogman

    Dog Health Insurance

     Is it fair to pet insurance for your dog? Consider this scenario - This is the worst nightmare of a dog owner: Your beloved dog is in pain and you're facing a painful choice to cope with huge veterinary bills you can not put your dog or sleep.

    Fortunately, dog owners are learning more than reasonably priced insurance for pets is readily available in the United States. This is especially good news since both treatments that were once confined only to man are now readily available to pets.

    It is now possible, for example, for veterinarians to do the hip surgery, kidney transplants or surgery for cancer. According to Alejandra Soto, spokesperson for the non-profit Institute for Information Assurance in New York, "dogs are three times more likely than people contract cancer and 45 percent of dogs die."

    These advances in veterinary medicine means that animals can live longer, more fulfilling life.

    But they can be expensive and dog owners must be prepared for the expense.

    Few dog owners have pet insurance 

    Despite this, not everyone is aware of or taking advantage of insurance for pets with less than 1 percent of pet owners of America have entered their dog, cat, bird, rabbit, reptile or other exotic animals. Often, pet owners may not be aware of the cost amounts associated with veterinary care until their pet is suffering from a sudden illness or sustains an injury.

    As human insurers Medicare rights, insurance companies pet charge premiums and there are franchises of the various plans proposed policy. Pet insurance policies offer different levels of coverage depending on how much you pay. Routine veterinary check-up can not be covered by the basic plan, but offered as an endorsement. It could also be exclusions for older animals, the pre-existing conditions and problems of race can be excluded. Be sure to examine each insurance pet closely to ensure that you understand what you buy and call the insurance company for pets with questions.

    Key issues to consider Pet Insurance 

    • The age of your pet. Pet insurance premium costs increase as pets growing up and enter the years when they are more likely to suffer serious illness or injury. 

    • Pet insurance levels of coverage. Pet health insurers offer basic policies and upgrades. 

    • What is covered in an insurance policy for pets. basic policies of insurance for pets usually cover the handling of accidents, injuries and diseases. In addition, some policies may cover vaccinations and routine care coverage. Some entries may include spaying and neutering and dental care and other routine care.

    Basic Care and Maintenance for your pup’s pearly whites

     Many people do not realize the importance of taking care of their dogs' teeth. With age, dogs, the need for dental care increases. The best way to ensure good dental hygiene of your dog is to start while they are very young.
    Many dogs do not like their mouths touched. It is important to you as a dog owner to desensitize them to being handled like this at a very young age. The veterinarian will always be necessary to examine the mouths of dogs and you do not want any problems with this. The best way for you to get your dog to having his mouth touched is to begin touching it when you receive your puppy. Be sure to touch the lips, mouth open, and touch the teeth in a calm and relaxed for about five minutes each day until your puppy is accustomed to being handled this way. Make it a regular part of your interaction with your dog for remaining calm when you make any kind of preventive dental care.
    Most veterinarians recommend brushing your dogs teeth every day. Many manufacturers make special toothpaste and brushes for dogs. You never want to use human toothpaste on dogs as it can be dangerous for them. To get your dog to have his teeth brushed, you may want to start by putting a little toothpaste to dog on a cotton ball and rub on his teeth. Toothpaste for dogs is usually quite tasty to them, so he should not mind this. You can then try a finger brush, available at your office supply store or veterinary pet. Finally, especially for large breeds, you want a toothbrush ordinary dog. Regular brushing will help prevent tartar buildup and debris on the teeth of dogs.
    Another way to help prevent tartar deposits on the teeth of dogs is by using rawhide chews specially formulated for dental care. Many companies manufacture these chews. One of the best available techniques is CET Most veterinarians carry CET dental products. CET chews are formulated with an enzyme that helps keep plaque from forming and prevents the accumulation of bacteria. In addition, the natural wear of rawhide chews helps keep teeth healthy. Central European Time also allows a chewing gum containing chlorhexidine has antimicrobial properties.
    Some companies also make special dishes for dental health, which may be recommended by your veterinarian to help prevent dental problems.
    Even with appropriate preventive measures, most dogs will eventually need a dental cleaning from your veterinarian. If your veterinarian recommends a dental cleaning, it is important that you follow through. If your dog develops dental disease, harmful bacteria can penetrate into the bloodstream causing potentially serious problems such as kidney infections and infections involving the heart valves.
    A dental cleaning performed by your veterinarian is much like a human dental cleaning, however, your dog will need to be sedated. The anesthesia is light and with today's technology is extremely safe. Many veterinarians have anesthesia monitoring systems just like those used in human medicine. A thorough review will be conducted to determine whether teeth should be pulled or repaired. Some veterinarians will do x-rays of the teeth to find any cracks or diseased teeth. After that, a qualified member of staff veterinarian will perform a dental cleaning. First, they scale the teeth to remove tartar above and below the gumline. This will be done with hand instruments and equipment to both ultrasonic scaling. After that, the teeth will be polished, which will make them smooth and help prevent plaque to adhere to them. Most veterinarians will also be a fluoride treatment. This is to help strengthen enamel and prevent plaque formation. If teeth are diseased or broken, your veterinarian may pull them. Some veterinarians who specialize in dental care will perform root canals and other intensive dental work. Most veterinarians will put your dog on a treatment of antibiotics to prevent bacterial infection.
    It is very important to take care of your dogs teeth to keep them healthy and preventing infections. Always follow your veterinary advice and if you have any questions, consult your veterinarian or pet professional staff. 

    Otitis Externa in Dogs reasons and factors

    Otitis externa, commonly referred to as an "ear infection", is an ear condition characterized by inflammation of the external ear canal. It is particularly prevalent in dogs with long, floppy ears. Ear infections represent one of the top 10 reasons dogs present to veterinarians and may affect up to 20 percent of dogs.

    Infections are caused by fungus, bacteria or parasites. Laboratory tests can help to determine the underlying cause of the infection.

    Several factors may predispose dogs to ear infections, including:

    Long floppy ears

    • Abnormal ear conformation or anatomy
    • Water or hair in the ears
    • Allergies
    • Trauma
    • Tumors
    • Foreign material in the ears
    • Parasites
    • Autoimmune disease
    • Generalized skin disease

    Ear infections can occur in dogs of any age breed or sex.

    Dogs predisposed to otitis externa include those with genetic predispositions to abnormal ear canals, such as the Chinese shar-pei chow chows and English bulldogs; breeds with hair in the ears like poodles and terriers; dogs with pendulous pinnae such as the cocker spaniel and Springer spaniels; or outside and working dogs that are exposed to water or foreign bodies. Infections are most common in humid environments or during the summer months.

    What to Watch For

    Common signs of an infection include:

    • Scratching or rubbing the ears
    • Head shaking 
    • An abnormal odor or discharge from the ear
    • Pain when you manipulate the ear
    • Redness and swelling of the external ear canal
    article by :

    Dr. Debra Primovic

    Guide For Adopting An Adult Dog

    Guide for the First Few Weeks:

    It's easy for almost anyone to fall in love with a puppy or kitten. But it takes a special person or family to adopt an adult pet. You'll find there are many advantages to acquiring a mature dog. The love and companionship you'll share are only the beginning.
    With a puppy you may not know how large he will become, or what sort of disposition he will have. With a grown - or nearly grown - pet, what you see is what you get! However, it's important to remember that what you don't see is your new pet's past. The dog may or may not have been housebroken or trained. He has certainly learned to live in different environments. Be patient and give him time to become accustomed to your lifestyle.
    On his first day home, show him where he is to sleep, where fresh water is always available, when and where he is to be fed. If he is an indoor dog, take him outside at frequent intervals (every hour or two) so that he may relieve himself. Until he learns the new housebreaking routine you will have to be very watchful. Mistakes will happen, especially during the first few days when the dog feels strange in his new environment.
    If the dog makes a mistake in the house firmly say "NO!" and take him outside instantly. You MUST catch the dog in the act if the correction is to be effective. A few minutes later is too late. Praise him every time he eliminates outside.
    During the first week expect occasional problems. Your new pet doesn't know you, doesn't know why he has come here or what is expected of him. He needs to be treated with watchful kindness. Anticipate problems before they occur. Don't leave tempting items such as shoes, clothing, handbags or dinner plates within reach of the dog. Having a new pet can have quite a tidying effect on a family!
    Plan to spend time with your new family member. He will appreciate it and respond warmly. Long walks, periods of play, or just being together will make him feel happy and secure. Many families find that the best time to acquire a new pet is during vacation at home, when they have ample time to spend with him.
    Children are always excited about a new pet. Don't allow them to overwhelm him with attention and handling. They should be taught to play gently with him, and never to disturb him when he is sleeping or eating. Parental supervision is important.
    You've probably given your dog a new name. Use it frequently and try always to associate it with good things: affection, approval and fun.
    When he is first settling in, your new pet may have problems of shyness, anxiety, restlessness, excitement, crying or barking. Physical symptoms may include excessive water-drinking, frequent urination, diarrhea or a poor appetite. If any of these symptoms last for more than a few days call your veterinarian.
    Be consistent. Decide on the rules and stick to them. For example, be sure you and your children understand whether or not the dog is allowed on the furniture. Does that mean all the furniture or just some of it? If you change the rules, the dog will be confused. Don't allow him to do something onetime and forbid it the next.
    Obedience training can be very helpful to the adult dog and to you. However, it is not the same as training a puppy with no prior training.
    Your dog may have learned commands other than the ones you use. take time for him to adjust to your commands.
    You can train the dog yourself or take him to an obedience class with a qualified trainer. Wait until after the first week to start formal training. The training period can be a good way to create a strong bond between you and your dog. In addition, the dog can learn what you expect of him and how he can please you. Both of these things are very important to him.
    Most dogs adjust quickly to their new families within a week or two. Some take longer. Very few dogs are unable to adjust at all. In most cases the dog will be a well-adjusted member of the family within a month. In fact, you may find it difficult to remember a time when he wasn't part of the family.

    Article By David The Dogman

    Giving Your Dog Medicine

    So your poor dog is sick, but you're struggling to give him his medicine? Do not worry, there are methods available toadminister medications easier for you.


    Open the mouth of your dog and place the pill on top of hertongue as far as possible. Then close her mouth and throat raceuntil the swallow. Give him a treat afterwards to ensure that the pill was swallowed. Another way is to hide the pill in somecheese or sausage. Pill divers are also very effective.


    Tilt your head up your dog, and place the neck of the bottle (asyringe will also work) plays in his pocket between his molarsand cheek. Use your fingers to seal his lips around the bottle.Then slowly pour the liquid you'll be able to administer highdoses in this way.

    Valuable advice for the dog owner

    Following these ten tips will guarantee you a happy, healthy relationship with any kind of pet.
    1. Your pet needs to go to the vet. Start saving now. 

    Each animal must be examined by a veterinarian at the time. Diseases that are caught early are often treatable, and regular veterinary examinations are your best weapon. Even the healthiest pet can have an accident, calling for immediate emergency care. Older animals can be a pain in age-related deterioration. Face it, you'll have to take your pet to the vet, sooner or later. Be prepared to pay for it! 

    2. You're the man, you set the rules. 

    Do not let your boss you around company. Decide on the rules and apply them consistently. Do not allow your pet to reach its goals if it goes against the rules - he'll just try even harder next time. Animals do not seem to have long memories, but they sure remember how they have their own way the last time! 

    3. Animals like a boring routine. 

    Animals want to know what to expect - they feel safe. Yours will be the happiest if they are fed at the same time each day, sleep in the same place at night, and can always count on you to come home at some point. They'll get by if the routine from time to time changes, but keeping their day care predictable predictable and happy. 

    4. Good food and plenty of exercise is equal to a long life. 

    We all know we should eat healthy foods in moderation and get plenty of exercise. The same goes for our pets. Healthy living prevents disease, and you will not see the vet more often! If a small animal is confined to a cage, give him plenty of space and things to climb and explore, to encourage exercise. Subject treated like dog biscuits or table scraps for very special occasions. 

    5. Everything ends in the mouth. 

    For you, it is an electrical cable, but your dog is chewing a toy. Keep in mind that your pet will chew anything, and keep dangerous objects out of reach! Encourage them to chew on toys rather than providing a lot of them, especially new ones once the elders have lost their appeal. 

    6. The bacteria do not make good pets. 

    A clean environment keeps everyone happy and healthy. Pets are dirty and need a lot of cleaning. On a weekly basis, brushing your dog's teeth, wash bottle of water in the gerbil, and remove the kitty litter! If you do not, you're in the bacterial and parasitic infections, tooth decay, painful, and the smell ...! 

    7. Tight security saves lives. 

    Keep your pet safely confined. Escape to the test all the cages and fences, walk your dog on a leash, and keep your cat indoors. The outside world is full of speeding cars, unknown animals, pesticides, and even pet thieves. Just in case, make sure all dogs and cats have strong collars with tags, or have been tattooed or chipped. 

    8. There are too many homeless animals already. 

    Lost pets without tags end up being shelved away when they lose their house. Even worse are the animals who never had homes to begin with. There are not enough good homes for all animals there, so your pets spayed or neutered, and does not allow them to reproduce! In America alone, four million cats and dogs are registered each year. It's much too! If you want another pet, instead of considering adoption. 

    9. If in doubt, turn to nature. 

    When faced with a problem animal, find out how your pet would have lived in the wild. Want to know how hot your frog tank should be? Search of his natural habitat and try to copy it. Want to keep your dogs from fighting? Learn about pack behavior in the wild. Our companion animals evolved to live in nature, and understanding their natural environment, needs and social behavior, we can help them live with us more comfortable. 

    10. Everything depends on you. 

    Ultimately, when you accept this animal as a pet, you have agreed to take care of him. This means food, housing, health, safety ... you are responsible for all this. It takes time and money to care for a pet properly. However, it is certainly worth! There are over 100 million homes worldwide with at least one pet, and they can not all be wrong! Take care of your pets, so you can have a long and pleasant life together.

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